30 Days Wild – Days 11 to 20

I didn’t do very well in the second third of the month with my 30 Days Wild project, but here’s what I got around to. Hopefully I will do better at the end of the month.

11 June
My parents and I had a day out today. We headed to Teeside and stopped off first at Redcar. I liked the rather futuristic-looking offshore wind farm, but was less impressed with the factory blighting the view. We later stopped at Saltburn which was much nicer – I’d quite like to come back here again in the future.


12 June
I was travelling back to London on the train today so there wasn’t much time for appreciating the outdoors. However, I did make the effort to look out of the window and take in the view as we were travelling through Yorkshire.

13-17 June
Okay, so I was a bit neglectful of the project during this working week. However, I did discover the Puffin Loafing Ledge. It’s a live webcam allowing you to view puffins in the wild. They are lovely, and rather relaxing to watch.

18 June
I was indoors all day, but I was attending a study day about the “Year Without A Summer” so there was lots of discussion about nature, mountains, weather and, of course, volcanoes.

19 June
I was out and about today and tried to make some time to sit outside and relax instead of running from one thing to another like someone demented. I think it worked…

20 June
Today was the longest day of the year and apparently it was a “Strawberry Moon” too. I was at the theatre after work, but took some time to have a look at it. I didn’t bother with a photo, as my mobile really cannot handle atmospheric shots of the moon.

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